Oceans Collective
People at their best
As professional coaches, we're fascinated by the stories in people's lives.
We are interested in you and your story - and how you will write the next chapter. Whatever page of life we're on, the next chapters remain to be written. But often we forget that it's us holding the pen. We dilly, we dally. Life's pages flip over quietly in the breeze...
Our Next Chapter programme changes that. Working with us and a handful of other characters like you, you'll examine the big questions of life: who are you becoming, what is important and what is not. What to keep, what to change and how to move forwards.
Next Chapter is for you if you are thinking about making a significant change in your life and wanting to be more intentional. You might be feeling slightly stuck or discontented but determined to make life better. You might be unsure how to start or not know which direction to explore. Maybe the changes need to happen soon or perhaps you want to be strategic and to make a plan you can move forwards with over some years.
The programme consists of four online sessions of 90 minutes, spread over 8 weeks. The group will be made of 6-10 people. The group coaching element will look and feel like a mix of structured questions and free-form discussions. The atmosphere will be friendly, relaxed and informal. Each session will be supplemented by a toolkit of written materials which you can use or not use, as you wish.
We expect the programme to bring many benefits, in particular:​
Unblocking doubts and surfacing worries you may have been sitting on.
Creating Possibilities and excitement – a sense of ‘what am I waiting for?!’
Clarity and insights – you’ll be able to plan & take action if that’s what you want, or you’ll be able to enjoy growing and exploring steadily if you prefer to move forwards more organically.
Alignment – you’ll be able to think about getting on the same page with other key people in your life so you are moving forwards in harmony
Support – you don’t have to feel alone in this; you’ll be able to talk to others and stay on track.
Structure – you’ll gain tools and processes you can use as you wish.
Relief – you might well feel better because you have a plan and/or you know what conditions you need to create for yourself so you can grow towards a great future.
You'll leave with a first draft you can use as a guidebook. You'll leave with tools to help you edit as you go. And we think you'll feel like an even more well-rounded character, ready to live the next part of your story with more purpose and less flipping in the breeze.
To find out more and apply for a free place on the pilot programme, email graeme@oceanscollective.com.