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Oceans Navigator


Remember when you first became a leader? The person you hoped to be, the mistakes you would not make. And the values you would embody every day. Then you turned up to work and things got busy and complicated. Your intentions and ideals haven't changed necessarily, but they might be a bit less clear.


We wanted to create a solution to that and here it is – Oceans Navigator, the next generation in leadership development. It's global, virtual and personal.


The programme is designed to give you:​

  • Solutions to your latest challenges

  • Motivation and direction

  • Momentum and a plan

  • Progress and success

  • Meaning and satisfaction

  • Confidence and connection

  • A clearer sense of your identity as a leader


The Oceans Navigator programme is fluid and continuous,. You can join for a while, steer away and then come back, or you can find your professional home with us and follow the current indefinitely. Whether you need to re-find your direction, accelerate your progress, take time out to breathe and think or just connect with like-minded professionals, you'll find that Navigator delivers.


Try it. Join one of our free Leadership Lounge action learning group sessions and see for yourself. Or read on...






Prices and Packages

We've created three packages for the programme. Which one suits you best? 

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Oceans Navigator in Detail

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Journey Planning

To begin with we’ll match you up with your own Oceans coach, who will become a trusted partner throughout the programme. They’ll come to understand you and what you want better than anyone. They’ll help you to recognise your unique strengths and further potential as a leader and also help you to navigate your way through challenges.


The structured Journey Planning conversation with them will help you to identify your longer-term leadership and career goals and create a suitably flexible plan to reach them. You might have goals around career, re-establishing control, achieving work-life balance, self-belief, career moves or just enjoying the role you worked so hard to get.



Action Learning Groups

You may already be familiar with the unique magic of the ALGs or they might be new for you. In each one, group members can bring issues and challenges they’ve been wrestling with or mulling over. The other participants offer questions initially then ideas, advice and opinions. This semi-structured dialogue, facilitated with a light touch, consistently yields new insights. , Our ALGs are characterised by confidentiality, honesty, openness, respect, appreciation and gentle humour. All of this helps to make them feel like very safe professional spaces.



Theory-to-Practice (T2P) Workshops

In leadership, a small insight can make a huge difference, so theory can be very valuable. It’s best when it translates into simple tools that can be deftly added to the flow of day-to-day work without needing to overhaul your routine. So our T2P workshops are designed to provide new thinking that becomes new doing. These workshops focus on creating better outcomes for you, your team and the organisation. It’s important work with tangible benefits.


Our initial plan of workshops includes the following topics but we’ll tailor them to your needs and interests and there’ll be discussions with you about this:​

  • You At Your Best

  • The Secret of Dynamic Teams

  • Change - What’s Really Going On? (model: Dilts’ Logical Levels)

  • The Coaching Leader

  • Next Level - Unboxing Your Self & Your Team

  • The Wisdom of Less (model: Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment)


Team Development

Starting with the Team Effectiveness Report, that distils the anonymous views of each team member, we'll then design for you a series of workshops you can slot into team meetings to tackle the issues that are holding you back.  


Our approach provides clarity and reassurance for the team and its leader. We get the team engaged in moving itself forwards. Any frustrations tend to subside and a new sense of energy and purpose is created. Team meetings can go from aimless to focused, from pointless to essential. If you have a team returning from furlough, we’ll help you to get them back up to full speed – and better. Re-taking the survey 6 months later shows you and the team how far they've come and what to work on next.


Networked with your Navigator leaders and referencing the same Oceans model of team performance, you’ll be able to benchmark, compare notes and trade your own team’s secrets of success for insights and top tips from the other teams.




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